Sharon Vesche
Director of Communications

Sharon Vesche

Sharon Vesche was a world-class athlete, formerly a member of the United States National Tae Kwon Do Team, and aims tobe a positive role model for other Parkinson’s patients by highlighting the importance of physical exercise and its positive impact on Parkinson’s. Sharon is also an artist who loves to paint. She wants Parkinson’s patients to understand the importance of optimism and not giving in to the disease.

After Sharon was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s in September 2017, she made it her mission to help others navigate their diagnoses with the positive support she received fromTeam Fox Detroit and The Michael J. Fox Foundation. Following her diagnosis,Sharon decided to participate in clinical trials aiming to change the course ofParkinson’s disease and to invest her time in research, fundraising, and educating patients, caregivers, and communities about Parkinson’s disease.

Sharon is an active board member for TeamFox Detroit, a grassroots organization for The Michael J. Fox Foundation. She believes in the mission of The Michael J. Fox Foundation and their dedication to finding a cure through funding research and the development of improved therapies for all living with Parkinson’s. The Foundation takes an optimistic approach to finding a cure. Sharon is extremely excited to be working with TeamFox Detroit to spread support and awareness of Parkinson’s within our communities and to drive funding and research to The Michael J. Fox Foundation.